*Once you’ve completed filming yourself doing each exercise, upload your videos in the Forum thread titled, “Intermediate Certificate Submissions.”
*Be sure to include your name and the exercise on each video.
*Your videos for the Musicality portion should be separate from your “Intermediate Routine” video.
- Demonstrate your ability to execute Turn Exercise #1 to a metronome or song. If you choose to use a song, we would recommend using a slow song, because accuracy is the focus. Also, if you have some masking/painter’s tape to put down on the floor, it would help for accuracy.
- The “Count Clapping Game”: Referencing the first musicality exercise in the Intermediate block of the Roadmap, choose 2 numbers on which to clap while doing your 8-count footwork.
- For extra credit, choose an “&” count as one of your numbers, and do it better that we did in the video.
- For extra credit, choose an “&” count as one of your numbers, and do it better that we did in the video.