A Swing Footwork Routine!
January 22nd, 2021
5:30pm – 7:30pm EST
Join us for our first workshop in 2021, where we will teach a fresh, fun and easy routine that utilizes all different kinds of footwork basics. It’s meant to be a Practice routine that will strengthen your stamina and rhythm, but we promise it will also satisfy you in the way a solo Jazz routine would. You can use it as a warmup, teach it to friends, or use it like a line dance. Join us for this 2-hour workshop on Zoom, where you will learn the whole routine, and by the end, your swing rhythm will be glorious!
“Members don’t actually have to do anything more that RSVP in the forum thread. As a Member the workshop is free for you. The “Registration” button for the workshop is mainly for people who are not yet members so they can join in.
Here’s the link to the sign up forum: https://syncopatedcity.com/forum/mini-member-workshops/january-2021-swing-footwork-workshop-sign-up/
Find more about the workshop at this page: https://syncopatedcity.com/workshops/
having a problem registering for the friday workshop, says I dont have access to purchase this event. I am member
Hi John, I’m just triple checking that we’ve replied to you to say that tonight’s workshop is open to all current website members, and there’s no need to pay anything further. Simply use the Zoom link in the Forum thread dedicated to the workshop.
RSVP for Tonight. Thank You.
Hi Michael and Evita — It’s been far too long since the dance floor has tickled my feet. Hope to join you soon for “re-entry,” this evening or at another event in the near future. Be well, stay safe. b.
Hi Michael and Evita — It was great to join you for a few minutes for “A Swing Footwork Routine!” last night. Unfortunately I couldn’t follow the lesson easily as the audio & video weren’t as synced as I’d like them to be. I know Zoom settings can be tricky. Would it be possible to get a recording of the lesson and/or the “A Swing Footwork Routine” so I can practise it on my own this weekend? Thank you.
Hi Joe-Lee, we understand the perils and challenges of these new times in using Zoom for dance classes. The good news is we have filmed a dancing recap video, and we’ll also be filming a break down with counts.
Thank you for joining, and we’ll let everyone know when those resources are up on the site.